Stacie's old man had gone up for 9 months on a possession charge. He had left owing a lot of people money. Stacie kept up the place on what little money they had. She was cleaning up the barn when she heard a couple of Harleys pull up. Two guys who looked sort of familiar walked into the barn and asked where Big Earl was. She told them that he was in county lockup. They said Earl owed them money. She said she was broke but she would let Earl know that they wanted their money when she went to visit them. They said since they were not going to get their money today they would get a little interest. They grabbed Stacie and strung her up in the barn with her hands above her head. They fondled her body, unbuttoned her shirt and yanked her tits out. They moved her onto a blanket in the stall. She found herself on her knees. Looked like she was going to have to suck some cock. It was not her first time. After all she was a biker bitch. They do get passed around from time to time. She kept trying to talk her way out of it but soon she had some meat down her throat. Then she was pushed down on her hands and knees and the other one was behind her. Looked like she was going to get fucked too.
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