We have many activities throughout the day at summer camp! As I was organizing an activity I see Jake sneaking off behind the trees, I dismiss my responsibilities and follow Jake only to find him releasing himself in his pants. Teasing and empathizing with him, relating with him until I get the hint he gets off on this… I take him to the nurse to get him cleaned up with fresh undies, but the next day see him outside the bathroom… I know its the perfect opportunity so I convince him to come with me before ticklingg and pushing on his belly making him release more in his pants. Embarrassing and shaming him. This time the nurse recommends a diapeee for Jake since he keeps releasing himself. Since its Group swim its important he wears it! But during group swim in front of everyone he release himself… I call him up and he shamefully comes to me while everyone laughs and stares… I check his pants only to find I was right and his diapee and pants and full yet again!
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