You’re one of my favorites to babysit, which is why I made your fave snack… shhh dont tell anyone! But when I walk in to bring you to the kitchen I smell something… stinky!!! You made a mess in your pants didn’t you? I can smell it! Someone had a big boy accident! No matter I guests time to change you, but instead of normal undies, you get diæpee! I clean and change you but as I change you I notice you getting excited and hard, so I start rubbing you, encouraging you not only to get stiffer but to relax and release to have another accident! After a few you relieve yourself but im not done, I want a second big boy mess… your cum! Rubbing you through the swelling padding I stroke and encourage you to cum while in your mess, filling your diæpee completely with multiple big boy messes!
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