(This clip was a custom. No name has been used.) So my idea was something along the lines of like a bratty giantess who decided to take home some guy she shrunk down from a date she had. So the video would start out with like 1st POV as in the perspective of the tiny inside of your bag/purse as you were coming home from the date youd be talking on the phone about how boring he was things along that line like you were talking to a friend of yours before putting your bag down and hanging up. You'd take the tiny guy out of your bag and place him on a table or bed whatever you want while you teased him a bit about his size and powerless nature he had now while you undress from whatever date outfit you had on into your underwear. You’d hold him up now in your hands while you debate just what to do with him as you wanted to find someway to salvage the night teasing him and getting his reaction as you played with him as you want before mentioning something along the lines of he could have at least chosen a good place to eat as you didn’t even get really really enjoy your food, you’d then think about it for a second and give him a taste wondering if he would be a good replacement noticing his apparent fear you'd tease him a bit more about becoming your food before finally deciding you’d have enough and swallow him whole. The video would then switch to 3rd person for like the last 3 minutes as you rubbed your stomach and pretended to feel him struggling inside your stomach, you’d enjoy his struggles and talk about how he would soon be digested and turn into your waste stuff like that while making sure to have a view of you and your stomach and burping once somewhere in their if you can. The next day in your room at the end of the video you walk out of the bathroom talking about the boy you had eaten the night before and how pathetic he was not even amounting to a big waste the day after you wake up after digesting me if you could slightly burp. As well just to give a little more clarity i kinda really like teases about the digestion and fatality of it so if you could talior a bit towards that I’d really like it but no worries if not!
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