Son! WHY are you crying?! What is it?? tell me. WHAT ! You have a bully ? Honey, cheer up ! Tell mom, what did they do ? They pushed you down ?? That's NOT right! Tell them they are going to have a talk with me and they better be Fearful of that! NOBODY is going to play with MY son like that ! Chin up honey, its going to be ok! Bring them over tomorrow, I got you.. Oh well hello nice to see you come on in have a seat. Give me your little grumpy bear toy ! (punch) is that what you did to my son ? NO, you can't get grumpy bear back! Now whose the grumpy bear ? Are YOU messing with my son?? Im here to teach you a lesson. YOU dont mess with my son .. do you hear me? YOUUUU ...Im going to turn you into one of my own. Give me your face! Suck on my titty! Im going to use you as I please! teach you a little lesson! Pull down your pants. IF YOU MESS WITH MY SON im going to call your mom im going to call up your father and im going to get you in SO much trouble do you understand? If you leave my son alone I will hookup with you every other month, but you can't tell anyone..im TRYING to keep you tamed and im TRYING to Protect my son! you promise your going to leave my son alone? I just had to.. I didn't realize you were going to be SO CUTE ! My son didn't tell me how cute his bully was..mmm... wow .. you promise to leave my son alone? OK GOOD! Such a BIG COCK for a Young Boy..remember our deal.. EVERY other monnnthh.. just leave my son alone, ok? you promise to leave my son alone ?? Im just going to ride your Big Fat cock ! You promise to leave my son alone ? yes yes yes fuck! your cock is SO big !! stop bullying my son, Ok? ARE YOU CUMMING ?? ARE YOU CUMMING IN MY PUSSY ??? ohhh noooo !!! How are you going to cum all in my pussy like that??? how are you going to do that ? I didn't tell you to cum in my pussy !!!Just go home and dont bully my son anymore.. OHHH my gosh... this is NOT good.. IM PREGNANT. BUT by who ? OH my GOSH .. MY SONS BULLY !!! Oh NO! My sons going to HATE me.. Oh , Hey son ! what are you doing ? oh remember a few months ago your bully came over, he left his grumpy bear.. tell him to come over after school to get it. ... Well hey! did my son tell you to come over? ok good have a seat. How old are you again? Ok that's not too bad. Ok so .. well dont tell my son this or anyone else and you dont have to worry about this in the mean time between time ill take care of it but remember when you came inside of me a few months ago ? well... I got pregnant off of that! I haven't showed anyone but I think I should show you.. how old are you again? ok so your old enough to know.. why do you have a grumpy bear? anyways whatever .. I dont know how this is going to work but well figure it out. This is what I need you to do.. for the next few months become best friends with my son. Be nice, be kind, ok ? hopefully we can just make this workout. Alright you can head out.. now that I told you just keep it to yourself. I DONT want to hear this from my son. Go be his best friend !.. omg idk how my son is going to forgive me. OH HEY son! have a seat there is something I want to show you ( undo sons pants) would you like mommy to suck your cock ? Yeah ? if you befriend your bully and be his friend mom will suck your cock every other month...ok alright mwwahhh love you honey!
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