seriously son! im topless! get out of here ! where is your father out ! get out of here! can't you see your mom is NAKED! leave me alone son! NO im NOT going to makeout with you! What do you mean you want me to be your first kiss! im your MOM! STOP! ugh FINE! **kiss kiss** you HAVE kissed someone before no-one kisses their first kiss like that your SUCH a liar! Son I think its time for you to leave just get out of here and close the door behind you..UGH ok fine.. im KINDA curious .. do you have a big cock ? see.. you shouldnt of told me that! you should of left when I told you to leave! why did you have to be SO PUSHY! I dont need to see it and you dont need to see me topless! go ahead and leave! whyyyy are you coming back in here! OK SON please put your cock up.. I mean it IS a good size and its tempting it really is ... ugh here you are pushing me AGAIN! If I didn't have such a pushy son my boundaries wouldnt be so stretched! I didn't think having a son would break my boundaries ! ugh I usually dont give in like this but your really really pushy! you should of left when I told you to leave! just stick your cock in my pussy ! I know this is so wrong and I dont know what this will do to our relationship ! omg your fucking your mom! yes ! yes! you just came all over me! where did my boundaries go ? you have PUSHED ME way to far! what did we just do ???
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