In this world, where the goddess vore mens like you, you are nothing more than a piece of meat. A piece of meat that I can take at the super markert like all the other piece of mens. In the queendom of goddess the men like you are torn to pieces to serve us Your body is divided and destroied It's closed in a plastic bug and served for us and for me Now here we are, in my kitchen and I'm ready to prepare my dinner YOU I place you on the tray that will be your deathbed and my pleasure place. I am very anxious and hungry waiting for the moment when your flesh will be cooked to perfection to fervent my divine body. You will enter inside me you will be only a nutrient. Your flesh changes color under the very high temperatures of my oven, it becomes softer and more delicious. You can't even imagine how much saliva is accumulating in my mouth from the desire to put you inside. Finally the moment I've been waiting for. I can't wait to give you to my body, send you straight into my stomach where you will be digested and processed by my intestines But first I want to taste you on my tongue. Feel my taste buds sliding on your juicy body. I can't resist. Now, piece by piece you will experience the immense pain of entering my hungry mouth. First it will seem like a pleasant place, as you slide on my wet tongue. After a few moments, however, that tongue will push you under my sharp molars that will crush your body. Once, twice, three times, thirty times... As many times as it takes to reduce your flesh to a pulp to mix with my saliva and send straight down my throat. I will always do it, until there is nothing left of your flesh. I lick and put in my mouth. I chew and swallow. Pains of you remain on my tongue that licks other parts of you to eat. After having reduced you to pieces in my mouth and sent you to my stomach, all I have left to do is enjoy the moment where your suffering will continue for hours more. The acids of my stomach will finish dissolving you, erasing you forever. At that point you will be nothing more than a simple river of proteins in my intestine, destined to be expelled like all the other food.
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