LolaInSocks avatar



LolaInSocks avatar

selling panties!


November 10

Comments (12)

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Are you still making customs?
Seeker7 @Seeker74 years ago
Hi could I discuss a custom with you?
Kdub47 @Kdub474 years ago
Message about custom?
iceman8 @iceman84 years ago
please PM me about a custom video request
Link138 @Link1385 years ago
Could you please message me about ordering a custom video?
Bamberg @Bamberg5 years ago
Hey there, I want to order a custom video! If you could message me that would be great. Thanks.
up for some speculum gape play ?
kaan34 @kaan346 years ago
Greetings! I'm keen on requesting a 5 minute custom video from you. I'd most appreciate it if you could contact me at your earliest convenience. Much thanks in advance, and I bid you a wonderful rest of the day!If you are interested in making special, video, please send me a message so that I can reply to details. Thank you!
striz4p @striz4p6 years ago
Hey Lola! Interested in a custom, can you message me?
Hello, If you have interest in doing a custom, scripted B/G--both subversive and blasphemous--video please send me a message so I may respond w/details. Thank you!