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gennyrock avatar

“I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it.” ― Marilyn Monroe


July 16

Comments (15)

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She did a custom for me a little while back. 10/10. Really good and professional.
IKARiS @IKARiS2 years ago
Hi can you pm me about a custom vid ? Thanks
bstzaa @bstzaa3 years ago
Hey, I'd love to order a smoking custom if you're still doing them. PM me if you are!
klopxcx @klopxcx3 years ago
Hello Genny,  pm?  Thanks.
Hi, do have any black leather gloves?
DM me about a custom, please
I'm interested in a custom video please get back me whenever you get a chance. Thank you.
Hi there! Just wanted to see if you still did cigarette smoking custom videos? Please message me if you do, I’d love to have you do a custom video for me, thanks!
Hey can you message me about a custom video?
Jenny, can you do a custom for me. It's basically just saying some phrases on camera.  Like a monologue/scenario. Just wanted to get your okay. felt a bit rude just "ordering" without your go-ahead.