Hi Miss Wonders. A big request to satisfy my fantasy, I would like you to make me a video where you find yourself the foot pervert who follows you to the station maybe I would like it at night, I want it all to start before taking the train you play a game with the beige ballet flats I have always adored and pervert notice your beautiful games. Attention, I prefer that you wear dark blue skinny jeans and that, as the foot pervert notices, you look at him a little scared at first, after a while you get on the train, you gradually start to look at him smugly because he loves to watch your plays without telling him anything and then when you get off at the next stop you always get followed until you get to some alley where no one passes and you stop the pervert saying: Why are you following me? What do you want from me? And tell her you like my feet, right? I bet you are a fetishist and want to touch them for me!
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