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Straightboy20 avatar

Comments (3)

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Hey there, you still making custom videos? I have a custom series I'd love to run by you. Doesn't take advanced equipment, can be made quickly, and I'm happy to pay more per minute. PM me, so I can run it by you?
plhplh @plhplh5 years ago
Hey, never heard from you...thought I'd give it one more try. I'm interested in a custom shower vid - you wearing underwear - no sex/nudity. Would pay $50 for a 10 minute video
plhplh @plhplh5 years ago
Hi there, I'm interested in a custom video - no sex/nudity.  My fetish is seeing handsome guys with hairy chests get soaked wearing just their underwear. I am looking for a shower video where you start out dry wearing white underwear(pref old fashioned tightey whities) and a white undershirt or wife beater, then after a few minutes of getting heady and clothes soaked under the shower, take off just the shirt. I do NOT want to see you naked or performing any type of sex act in the video…it's all about you getting very wet and leaving rest to my imagination. Hope you are interested and look forward to hearing from you. I could pay you $50 for a 10 minute video. Thanks, Phil