Hi there unfortunately the site isn’t letting me message you. Idk if you deleted your account but you may email me to discuss custom orders: valentinevonbettie@protonmail.com
Hello Valentine, I would be so honored if you'd consider a Lesbian custom video for me. I'm not looking for any type of teasing video with weird fetish stuff or something created for "entertainment," but a REAL lovemaking scene, very intimate, etc. Will you message me back privately please? I'd love to share more of my idea with you. Thank you so much for your time.
So could you ride a dildo standing up on a chair feet on the floor 2 mins . For 3 minutes missionary in a chun-lo costume or something off your Amazon list would u wear it ?
Hi Again, Just circling back to see if you'd be willing to do a custom lesbian/queer video. I enjoy close up pussy eating and fingering and love your work. I can include a generous tip. Please message me if you're interested. Thanks!
Hi Valentine, hope you are doing well. I would absolutely be so honored if you would consider creating a custom lesbian video for me (I love the lady in your "up against the wall" video trailer). I would absolutely love to see you two make love together. I mean....real love. I'm not interested in any type of teasing or posing, fake, scripted video. I would present a very small scenario, tell you my ideas, and just let you and your friend create it very naturally. Is something like this possible? Can you please message me back privately please? thank you
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